Tag Archives: Gaming

On Corrupting Power – A Fire Hopping Anecdote

I often think about different variations on the “What if I had superpowers?” question as I walk home from work. It’s a nice little pastime in my 20 minute commute. I think about what powers would be cool to have, what would be the ramifications of having such powers, who I would tell and why. Continue reading

Toki Tori 2+!

Hi everyone. I know it has been quite a long time since Dust or I have posted anything. He started a company and I got really busy at work and this hobby of ours just fell a little by the wayside. I would like to get back to writing, but won’t make many promises.

That being said, I just finished Toki Tori 2+ and felt compelled to write something on how absolutely amazing I thought it was. There is so much I want to talk about in the game itself that I do not want to limit this to my usual format of picking a specific life lesson learned, but instead focus on the great aspects of the game and see where lessons fall out. Continue reading

Learning From vs Being Distracted by Others

There is a rising trend in games to have the ghosts of other players invade our own games and show off their varying degrees of skill. I have mixed feelings about this for different reasons, many of which stem from issues I touched on in my Pro and Anti pieces on how the internet is changing gaming. Continue reading

Don’t Need to Be Certain With Yourself

There is an overarching feeling that not taking sides is a bad thing. In various aspects of life being uncertain on a position is quite often seen as weakness. Some people think uncertainty leads to wasted time and missed opportunities. Additionally, uncertainty is often tied to with a lack of confidence which can be a key component of effective communications. Continue reading

Moments of Realization – Fooled By Flashiness

We want to believe that we are aware and peering into the “true colors” (to borrow from 18th century naval idioms) of the facts around us. Sometimes, however, we realize how blind we can be to the façades that face us every day. I had a moment of realization about this when I was playing Bit. Trip Saga a little while back. Continue reading

WIHILA Democracy 3 – Learning

Hello all, as you may have noticed from Dyl’s post, we’re back. I’ve had my hands full with Tea-Powered Games recently. If you haven’t checked us out yet, go see if we are your cup of tea.

Sorry, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t at least mention it, but I think we have some exciting stuff brewing for anybody who wants to see games tell stories in new and interesting ways. With the shameless plug out of the way, let’s talk about a game you might know nothing about: Democracy 3.

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WIHILA The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

I have a confession to make: I’m a long time Zelda fan, but lately I’m less likely to pick up and be impressed by a new Zelda title. It’s not that I think the overall quality has gone down – probably the reverse – I’ve just changed as a consumer and feel like I’m no longer the target audience. Rather than ignore this feeling or sweep it under a proverbial rug, I’d like to take this opportunity to deconstruct it, and hopefully come out the other end of this post with a better understanding of what I hope I like about A Link Between Worlds.

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We Are All in the Box

Link Eyes

We have all heard the expression “think outside the box” before, right? It is generally used to imply that we should try to think more creatively; perhaps we need to challenge the biases and expectations that we are using to confront a problem. Continue reading

WILA Pokémon X/Y – Clothing


This week I want to discuss something a bit more specific and mechanical: the clothing in Pokémon X/Y, and how it ultimately relates to engaging the player. Picking out a character’s clothing is the kind of thing which shows up in various games, but it’s not as simple as putting in extra art assets and telling the player to have at it. Here’s why clothes don’t just make the (wo)man, they can make the game too.

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