Tag Archives: Gaming Framework

Playing With Aesthetics: Mario Kart

About: Playing With Aesthetics

As an interesting comparison to last week, we went for another Racing game this week, Mario Kart (let’s say, your favorite one). How do these genre buddies compare though? Tell us what you think! Continue reading

Playing With Aesthetics: F-Zero GX

About: Playing With Aesthetics

This week we are going for F-Zero GX. Dylan has some awesome memories with this game so he thought it could use some Aesthetics analysis! We started with some games with fairly broad Aesthetic nets, but for us, this is the first (of likely many) that really displays a more focused, less widely cast look at the Aesthetics. Tell us what you think!

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Playing With Aesthetics: Your Favorite Final Fantasy

About: Playing With Aesthetics

Next up, your favorite Final Fantasy. That’s right, pick your favorite and vote according to that. There are some differences game-to-game but it seemed tedious to separate them all out for the smaller variances. Instead we thought it would be more interesting to see the aggregate of what made favorite Final Fantasy games stand out. Tell us what you think! Continue reading

Playing With Aesthetics: Pokémon

About: Playing With Aesthetics

For our second analysis, let’s dive into the Pokémon series. The game means a lot of different things to different people (as Dust’s WIHILA that is coming tomorrow addresses) so let’s hear what you guys have to say! Continue reading

Playing With Aesthetics: Introduction

Hi everyone! Des and I are excited to introduce a new column that we are going to be starting up called Playing With Aesthetics! A little while back, Des wrote a piece touching on the MDA framework which both of us find really interesting; it’s a great way to look at games. We have not seen much out there that tries to use this lens to categorically database games, so we are taking up the task! Continue reading